Homework Redefined: Fun, Independent Practice
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM Eastern
Event Registration
Event Description
Date and Time:
Saturday, November 2nd, 9:00 AM - 11:00 PM

Language learners should practice outside of class, ideally on a daily basis, to make significant progress. However, it's common for students to come up with excuses for not doing their homework. How can teachers effectively assign homework and provide motivation for students with diverse levels, cultural backgrounds, needs, and interests? Additionally, how can they do this with minimal teacher correction time while ensuring the best results for the learners? This workshop aims to provide practical advice, tips, and resources and also allows time for discussion.

Elke Stappert teaches English and Literacy at various organizations in New York City and enjoys creating educational materials. With her background as a teacher, program manager, and lifelong learner, she has gained insight into the difficulties that teachers and students encounter. Elke has delivered presentations at numerous conferences and currently serves as the co-chair of NYS TESOL’s Adult Education Special Interest Group.

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